Subodha Skin Clinic

Nail Surgeries

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Nail surgery is the removal of the toenail or a part of the nail. A local anaesthetic is used in order that you’ll feel no pain during the procedure. After the removal of the nail, a chemical could also be applied to the exposed nail bed to stop regrowth by destroying the nail cells. Healing takes between four to eight weeks.

Surgery Procedure

A local anaesthetic are injected into each side of the base of the toe. The feeling of both touch and pressure aren’t affected, this can be normal. The local anaesthetic might cause some discomfort once being injected into the toe.

Once the toe has been totally anesthetised, a bandage (tight band) are applied to the toe to stop bleeding during the procedure. After the surgery, the bandage are removed, the toe will be checked for return of your blood supply to the toe and a sterile dressing are applied. You’ll then stay for a short period of your time within the clinic along with your foot up and the dressing are checked to make sure there’s not too much bleeding before you leave the clinic.

After the surgery

• The toe might remain numb for up to four hours. You must rest the affected foot as much as possible, particularly within the first 24 – 48 hours by raising it on a pillow or cushion.
• Take your normal painkillers to reduce any discomfort (if needed) and follow the directions on the patient info leaflet. If you have been prescribed aspirin by your doctor or adviser you should continue to take this.
• Keep the dressings dry and in place. A small quantity of blood/fluid might seem through the dressing. This is normal. However, if you experience a lot of bleeding that can’t be stopped by raising your foot, you must ask for medical advice.
• You may want time off from college or work. It’s necessary to avoid any undue pressure or injury within the toe, it may be advisable to inform your teacher/employer of the procedure that has been carried out.