Subodha Skin Clinic

Laser Hair Removal

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Laser hair removal is a process that uses a focused beam of light (laser) to get rid of unwanted hair.

During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that’s absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube like sacs within the skin (hair follicles) that produce hairs. This damage inhibits or delays future hair growth.

Although laser hair removal effectively delays hair growth for long periods, it always does not result in permanent hair removal. Multiple laser hair removal treatments are required for initial hair removal, and maintenance treatments might be required as well. Laser hair removal is best for those who have light coloured skin and dark hair. However it can be done for all skin types.

Laser hair removal is employed to reduce unwanted hair. Common treatment locations include legs, armpits, upper lip, chin and also the bathing suit line. However, it’s possible to treat unwanted hair in nearly any area, except the eyelid or close area.

Hair color and skin kind influence the success of laser hair removal. the fundamental principle is that the pigment of the hair, but not the pigment of the skin, should absorb the light. The laser ought to harm only the hair follicle while avoiding harm to the skin. Therefore, a contrast between hair and complexion — dark hair and light skin — ends up in the best outcomes.

The risk of harm to skin is larger when there’s very little contrast between hair and complexion, but advances in laser technology have created laser hair removal an possibility for people who have darker skin. Laser hair removal is less effective for hair colours that do not absorb light well: grey, red, blond and white. However, laser treatment choices for light-colored hair continue to be developed.

What you can expect ?

Laser hair removal usually needs a series of 6 to 10 treatments. The interval between treatments can vary depending on the condition and area. On areas where hair grows quickly, like the upper lip, the treatment may be repeated in four to eight weeks. On areas of slow hair growth, like the back, the treatment might be each twelve to sixteen weeks.

For each treatment you will wear special eyeglasses to guard your eyes from the laser beam. An assistant may shave the site once more if necessary. The doctor might apply a local anesthetic to your skin to reduce any discomfort throughout treatment.

During the procedure

The doctor will press a hand-held laser instrument to your skin. Looking on the type of laser, a cooling device on the tip of the instrument or a cool gel can be used to defend your skin and reduce the risk of side effects.

When the doctor activates the laser, the beam will go through your skin to the hair follicles. the extreme heat from the beam damages the hair follicles, which inhibits hair growth. You would possibly feel discomfort, like a warm pinprick, and you will probably feel a sensation of cold from the cooling device or gel.

Treating a small space, like the upper lip, may take only a couple of minutes. Treating a bigger area, like the back, might take more than an hour.

After the procedure

You might notice redness and swelling for the first few hours after laser hair removal, though there may not be any noticeable change in majority.

To reduce any discomfort, apply ice to the treated area. If you have got a skin reaction immediately when laser hair removal, the doctor may apply a steroid cream to the affected area.

After laser hair removal and between scheduled treatments, avoid sun exposure — both natural sunlight and tanning beds — for 6 weeks or as directed by your doctor. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.